About us
The Twelve B.V.
The Twelve is an international consultancy firm specialised in partnering the progress of leaders and organisations.
We have a substantial track record of guiding, facilitating and consulting leaders, boards and teams in their successful leadership of individual and organisational development, transformation and innovation. Founded in 2006 The Twelve has been working with leaders and their profit and non-profit organisations, small and large, young and mature within many different countries.
The Twelve’s core purpose is to facilitate people and organisations to become all that they are uniquely capable of becoming, and to do what they are meant to be doing together, which is the co-creation of optimal experiential customer value or in other words meaning, for the benefit of all stakeholders.
Our company name carries our core interest, capability and expertise in consciously organising coherence at core and facilitating progress in the interest of all in a fast-changing world.
The co-creative partners of The Twelve
HCL Ambassador
+32 468 19 55 78

The Twelve B.V. is registered with the CRKBO, the Central Register of Short Training Courses for Vocational Education.
For large assignments we work together with internal consultants and (international) senior consultants from fellow agencies who have been trained by us.
The Twelve B.V. is listed on the CRKBO, the Central Register of Short Educational & Vocational Training Courses, and we are therefore a recognised institution in terms of the European VAT Directive in terms of reclaiming VAT on our training courses.
Complaint regulation
The Twelve B.V. is committed to satisfy customers. If a customer is of the opinion that deficiencies occur during the execution of a project, this customer is requested to submit the complaint in writing, providing detailed arguments to the board of The Twelve B.V. within a maximum period of two weeks after termination of the contract. The Twelve B.V. will inform the complainant within four weeks of the receipt of his complaint.
A complaint will always be kept confidential. The Twelve B.V. will aim to solve the complaint within twelve weeks after its reception. Complaints will be registered and stored for a period of 3 years. If The Twelve B.V. needs more time the complainant will be informed before the twelve weeks are over, at the same time giving an indication of when the result can be expected. If the way the complaint is being dealt with is not to the satisfaction of the customer, the complaint may be submitted to mr. G. Van Voorst, the Complaint Ombudsman of The Twelve B.V. He is an independent mediator, appointed by The Twelve B.V., whose decision will be binding on The Twelve B.V. The Twelve will promptly deal with the consequences of the decision. Mr Van Voorst details are: mr. G. van Voorst, gmjr@vanvoorstadvocaten.nl, Graaf Aelbrechtlaan 120, The Netherlands. 003120 641 12 62