The problem - Silo-system thinking and behaviour
“How do we get on the same page again?”
What got you here will structurally not get you any further …….
We all want to move forward, to further develop or grow, become number one, be outstanding, double or triple return on investment, change the world, make a real difference, inspire future generations, give meaning and have impact, or just improve and be more successful.
But……. complexity, relentless change, digitization, fragmentation and new competition all combine to endlessly disrupt strategies and plans.
No matter what we do, we are not progressing structurally.
We are self-evidently living in a new world in which the old rules, constants, techniques and approaches no longer work.
Einstein famously claimed that we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
In other words, what got your organisation here will not get you there.
And the collective experience of businesses around the world surely bears that out.
Confusion about the way forward, about what kind of thinking and acting will work to structurally reach a higher level, is all around us.
Behind the variety of questions that we, The Twelve B.V. are asked to help with, often the same core question is hidden:
‘How do we get on the same page again?’ In other words:
‘How do we leave Silothinking and behaviour behind us?’
‘How do we create perspective, and connect and cohere together and move forward as one?’
So what might help you to engage fruitfully with this world?
And how can you all continuously improve together in order to solve the problems of today and engage successfully with the opportunities of tomorrow?
How indeed can you as a leader challenge your people and your stakeholders to cohere within a constantly changing environment?